Well-known for their packaging for clients such as Microsoft, WholeFoods, Nestlé, Peet’s Coffee, Del Monte, and more, PhilippeBecker approached 300FeetOut to develop a website to showcase their work. The website served PhilippeBecker very well for four years. After a recent merger with Sterling Brands 300FeetOut was tapped once again. Sterling Becker, as they are now known, needed a site that reflected the new partnership, work, and modern technology of today.
300FeetOut worked with Sterling Becker to create a responsive website built on the open source platform, Drupal. The site needed to be fully accessible for the audience of today from desktop to tablets to smartphones. The decision to create a responsive site not only kept the site in line with current guidelines from Google and Bing, but also allowed the former flash site to be fully indexed. The secondary benefit of creating a responsive site was that it reduced the number of administive hours spent on site upkeep with images that automatically resize and single page content blocks. 300FeetOut breathed new technology into the site, making it suitable for the present day audience and created an online home to help usher Sterling Becker into the future.
Responsive Website Development
Content Management System