written by
Barbara O Stephenson
last minute gift recommendations from 300FeetOut
Who doesn’t love a last minute mad dash through the mall as you try and find the perfect gift for everyone on your list (insert pained sigh)? 300Feetout peeps have some ideas to help cross off that list before December 25th.
1. “A cocktail kit any designer would appreciate at 30k feet.” – Greg, art director
2. “As an avid puzzle lover, seeing a puzzle made out of a gradient caught my immediate eye. They also keep coming out with new colors. Can you imagine them all done next to one another?” – Bri, designer.
3. “As the practical gift giver, I generally go for consumables: booze or treats. Pocket size phone chargers are always good or Tiles to keep track of said treats or booze.” – Barbara, CXO
4. “Always experimenting with the merger of life, hardware and software, the BBC micro:bit. Program it with your phone, right out of the box!” – Rex, technology director
5. “Bacon. Need I say more?” – Joren, lead developer