At 300FeetOut, we’re proud to work with an all-star team of creatives and strategists to create powerful, lasting results. We’re excited to introduce you to the newest member of our team, Ariana! Student by day and marketer by night, Ariana to the rescue to help us keep the wheels turning and our clients happy.
We sat down with Ariana to learn a little more about her.
I’m originally from a city called Alameda located in the East Bay. I’m currently studying a mixture of business marketing, psychology, and sociology! I’m really interested in how the human mind works and current events. I’m also passionate about social justice issues.
I would like to travel a bit with friends and family after graduation, Italy has always been a goal. In the future, I would like to have a job relating to any of the three fields I’m studying. Wherever I end up I would like to be able to enjoy my work.
In my free time, I like to read, paint, and draw. I also like photography and spending time with friends and family. Where I live currently, my friends and I like to drive up the mountain and look at the city view and the stars or we’ll drive down to the beach and watch the sunset!
I’m looking forward to taking a few trips here and there. I’m really looking forward to going to a movie theater honestly, it’s probably been two years since I’ve gone to one I think.
I’ll usually find myself reading mystery or adventure novels but anything that comes across as interesting will be a book that I’d pick up. This past year I read a book called “Men We Reaped” by Jesmyn Ward. It’s a nonfiction memoir about the life of a community in rural Mississippi. I highly recommend checking it out if you like to better understand things from a different perspective. If you’re into the fantasy genre I would recommend Sabaa Tahir’s “An Ember in the Ashes” series.
Learn more about the individuals that make up our all-star team here.