
stephanie frier

stephanie frier

brand strategy director

What if brand wasn’t such a scary word? This brand-ista rocks a killer fashion sense and a mean pair o’ heels — all while balancing a double-tall, extra-dry cappuccino on her way to redefining what brands mean to businesses. Stephanie is a detail-diva who loves to push clients into new areas of thinking, viewing their brands from the inside out. She believes purpose-driven branding is about authenticity and building relationships between customers and companies. Her impressive background in fine art, design, marketing and strategy afford Stephanie the skill set to successfully activate brands in the marketplace. Secretly she wishes she could paint emotion, like Rothko. Instead, she draws out consumer emotions with lasting results in national advertising campaigns, integrated experiences and brand foundation building. A visionary team member since 2010, Stephanie has worked with a diverse range of clients including Beacon Street, DNK Ink, Culinary Edge, San Francisco Ballet, Smuin Contemporary American Ballet, Stern Grove Festival, and The Four Seasons.

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ding! we've got it. chat with you soon.