Well, now is certainly not the time to panic. For some people it’s the zombie apocalypse- fear of going outside, fear of touching each other, and even fear of touching things. Across the nation we’re seeing water, toilet paper, and Clorox wipes shortages the likes of which not even Burning Man can replicate. We at 300FeetOut don’t want to underplay the emotional reaction to COVID-19 but we urge instead to change the mindset and look for opportunities in the situation.
WFH has only just started and people are already going stir-crazy on social media. Now is 100% not the time to withdraw your digital marketing efforts. It’s time to regroup and focus them. Create a compelling story. Draw out the anticipation of when we can go back to our daily routines. This is exactly the time to be front and center with aspiration to inspire readers like this virtual museum tour.
Create content and post it on your website so that Google and other search engines will see you’re healthy and active. Who wants to know that you’re really in quarantine?
Now is the time to drive traffic for packages. Create packages that are PR-based so you can get noticed and then offer some standard packages but targeted to your current audience. If people are worried about being charged a rebooking fee, waive it. For business travelers encourage in-room activities, tv workouts, or running routes outside and away from people. Add room service options such as DoorDash for local restaurants or video conferencing facilities.
User-Generated Content can be powerful. Create aspirational polls and ask for user stories to help create content.
Spend time running your website through its optimization paces. See how fast your pages are loading and look for ways to make it faster. Cutting unnecessary marketing tags, optimizing your images, decreasing content. Map your user flow and try to cut steps out of your sales purchase funnel.
Monitor and review your presence on Google, TripAdvisor, Yelp pages. Follow up on any neglected posts – positive or negative. Make sure that your content is up to date and that you’re not “dating yourself” by having old material.
Check out your SEO against your competitors. Look at their brand sites and review what seems to work, what phrases are better put together, and what keywords they seem to be using. Catalog and list out what you aspirationally want in your marketing and the areas in which you have room to grow a differentiating niche.
Reach out to your best clients and ask for recommendations. Find local sites where these can be posted, like Angie’s List, Clutch, Yelp, and Google Local.
Work with your existing staff to identify core values of your business. Understand that every touchpoint is a sales opportunity and a loyal team is the best brand ambassador you can possibly have. Figure out better ways to work remotely.
Most of us digitally hoard. Too many images, too many documents, too many files we haven’t opened in years. With no social activities to speak of, take the time to go through things and streamline.
Video Conference services are being pushed to their limits. Some are breaking. Some aren’t private. Take this time to (re)evaluate the service you’re using.
Working from home can disconnect you when you’re used to being around others. Make sure you’re still shooting the breeze, in addition to usual work communication.
Maybe it is the zombie apocalypse. Figure out how to communicate if we don’t have electricity or internet … who has a landline anymore right?
If and when things slow down, use some of that extra time to get inspired. When we’re minute-to-minute day-to-day, it’s easy to fall off the inspo-wagon. Here’s some of our favorite design, UX, and mental resources:
SiteInspire – a well-curated repository of beautiful sites updated every couple days.
Awwwards – the name says it all.
UX Collective – all things UX, updated daily.
Or if you’re a student or a working stiff with extra time, take the opportunity to learn some new things, since no one is actually going out to classes anymore, here are some studying abroad has pandemic alternatives.
And we’ll be here if you need us. Good luck everyone!